We’re glad that its gone and long live the Butterfly Cabinet. Food is better. Staff are happier. And that horrible little man is gone.
]]>This Sam figure whom you praise so much was abusive, two-faced and a thief. A man who could push a sweet girl up against a wall and scream at her. A man who could rob his staff of their wages because he thought they would never notice. A man who would greet you with a smile, a warm handshake and a dagger behind his back.
Good riddance to crap, over-priced food and the most horrible man in Newcastle.
]]>Have you been to the Butterfly Cabinet since it re-opened? It is awesome – still retains the old B+H charms, but it’s spacier, lighter, and the food is cheaper, yet just as fun, good and generous. The staff is more or less exactly the same as before, but since the shakeup they are *so* much happier and more motivated – I think it’s a vast improvement.
]]>I used to work there from september 2005 till february 2006 while i was studying so i’ll write a few words about good memories i keep and how magnificent was the atmosphere : when i got in, first time, to ask for job, Sam told me “you’re the french michel, ok come back tomorow”, then the day after Graham (who was still in it), explained me what i gonna be doing, sandwiches, but his accent was so tough, i could not get a word, and it was like that for the nexts months, trying to understand the local dialect 🙂 Workers were all wonderfull, same spirit and since these days in B&H i have never been so well welcomed in any places in Europe. In the job itself, there were no constraints, client had to know and follow the easy going spirit of the place without complaining and the schedule for the week was made on sunday before with everybody, drinking beers from the catholic club next door. Few times, it happened that Sam came to wake me up in my bed (i was living very close to, on meldon terrace) to ask me or my girlfriend for an helping hand in the cafe when someone was missing!
The inimitable and unique place which Sam managed to create could have been the model for a franchise (like the too-standardised hard rock cafe), because this would work in France for example, without any doubts, but the risk of loosing the soul of the cafe by getting rich did not fit with the character of its creator.
I hope for Newcatle’s residents, that there will be a restaurant capable to provide such a good food as in B&H.
I go to make myself a goat cheese panini
The french Miki