q I Love Belle and Herbs » Blog Archive » Steak and Eggs

Steak and Eggs

Steak and Eggs Breakfast
Originally uploaded by meriwilliams.

There are a few new breakfasts on the updated menu, all of which seem to run on the premise that the pre-existing Belle & Herbs breakfasts just weren’t big enough and more ginormous options were needed!

This breakfast certainly fits the bill. My particular plate of food consisted of two pieces of steak, 4 eggs, 6 hash browns and a small pot of the best Bernaise sauce I’ve ever tasted.

Now, I realise that I fairly often wax lyrical about how great the food at Belle & Herbs is, but I want you to set that aside and REALLY listen to me this time.

THIS WAS THE BEST PLATE OF FOOD I HAVE EVER EATEN. Seriously. It was absolutely amazing. Gorgeous. Fan-bloody-tastic.

The steak came medium-rare, just as I’d requested, the eggs were done to their usual perfection, the hash browns soaked up the meat juices wonderfully and as I’ve already mentioned, the Bernaise sauce was the best I’ve ever tasted.

Now my only real problem is that I will lose my job if I insist on going into Belle & Herbs for steak and eggs every single day…

2 Responses to “Steak and Eggs”

  1. MICHEL Says:

    There seems to be new menu since i left Belle&herbs in january!! I will have to pass by and to try it!!

    Cheers from south of france!!

  2. Meri Says:

    Hey Michel, yeah they have a cool new menu — and it even has proper pain perdu made with brioche now! You’ll have to try it and send us a review about how authentic it is 😉

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